Raised $4,399.00
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Donate Books

Our Sunday school offers books to adults and children with a selective genre that is primarily religious along with philosophical, psychological, arts and history at its library. If you would
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Support Churches in rural Ethiopia

Over eighty percent of Ethiopia’s population resides in rural parts of the country. Churches in rural Ethiopia do not have the necessary ecclesiastical paraphernalia unlike those in urban areas for
Raised $1.00
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Assist to restore Churches

Most Churches both in the urban and rural parts of Ethiopia were built by former Emperors and the nobility. The churches are deteriorated and seek keen attention and restoration due
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Support Church Scholars

The life of most Church Scholars and their disciples is impoverished due to much of their time being spent on teaching and studying the long teachings and traditions of the
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Support Clergy in need

Most of our church fathers, especially those in rural Ethiopia, live under the poverty line due to not being compensated enough for their service by the church. Most of these
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Assist to spread the good news

If there is a place where God’s people are in desperate hunger for the word of God, it is in the remote parts of Ethiopia where there is very limited